Industrial tank fabrication
CNC-VINA specializes in manufacturing and installing tanks for ED coating lines, tanks, chemical tanks and for raw material production, processing, and processing of semi-finished products.
With experience from the projects of foreign partners and customers, our large tank products always meet the strict technical requirements in processing and manufacturing and safety in installation, transportation. onion.
Customers wishing to order processing and manufacturing tanks, please contact:
Hotline: 0915744664 | 0848955566
Email: Sales01@cncvina.com.vn | Sales03@cncvina.com.vn
Industrial tanks, tanks for raw materials, solvents, industrial chemicals are one of the important equipment of chemical and food production plants, surface treatment of coatings.
We provide solutions and equipment for chemical, petroleum, and washing tanks in the PT-ED paint line. Standard products and design and manufacture according to customer requirements.
Design and manufacture system of dip tank (DIP tank), spray tank (Spray tank), wash tank, electrolytic paint, surface phosphate paint for automotive PT/ED paint line with capacity up to 300m3 with system circulating pump system, thermal insulation and electrodes for electrophoretic paint (ED Paint).
Design and manufacture LPG gas tanks for paint line burners, hot water boilers in food and garment factories…
Design and manufacture cyclone dust filter…
Design and manufacture systems of cyclone, tanks, tanks for oil, gasoline, fuel, chemicals... warehouses, outdoor storage stations...
The 2 kinds of tank materials we use are steel and stainless steel (stainless steel 304, stainless steel 316L) suitable for each application. Conventional tanks can use ordinary steel, but with most of today's tank products, the surface in contact with solutions, chemicals or raw materials is covered by stainless steel. Especially for some plating tanks, antistatic FRP coating is required.
The pipeline system and circulation pump and the spray pipes inside the tank are also designed, manufactured and installed in a package for customers.
CNC-VINA is the leading unit in Vietnam that has been directly participating in projects of processing and installing tanks for automobile and motorbike paint lines. This is one of the items that require accuracy and high product quality for large components. Projects require flexible production management processes, skilled workers and good processing capacity. As well as the ability to install in the field requires a lot of experience and high safety requirements.
Tank system for PT/ED paint line is the main product provided by CNC-VINA to customers at factories manufacturing and assembling automobiles and motorcycles. The customers are mainly from Korea, Malaysia, USA…
With hot water washing tanks, acid chemical washing tanks, surface phosphate, ED paints, DI water washing... large-sized tanks require good pressure tanks, leak and corrosion resistance by chemicals, good heat retention, and special characteristics. especially anti-static (paint tank).
All technical requirements in the fabrication and installation of large tanks have been calculated and strictly followed by us.
Processing process at the factory with steps:
– processing of welding of tank structure frames
– paint frame texture
- cover inside of tank (steel plate, stainless steel)
– Insulation, anti-static FRP coating (for tanks with special requirements)
Customers interested and wishing to design, manufacture and install large industrial tanks, please contact:
Please contact Hotline: 0848955566 | Email: Sales02@cncvina.com.vn for advice and support.