
Space frames for industrial factory

CNC-VINA is the leading unit in the design, manufacture, and installation of space truss structures, space truss houses for production and assembly lines, suspended truss structures, and load-bearing structures. dynamic load with complex structure, technical requirements, and high safety requirements in construction.

Customers who have demand for automatic machines for space frame for assembly, inspection automotive, motorbike…, please contact:


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The space frame is an item that requires very high technical requirements in the design and manufacture of structures because of its complexity and high safety requirements in design, manufacture as well as installation. CNC-VINA is a professional M&E contractor with many years of experience in steel space truss projects, and space truss systems for assembly lines in domestic factories.

Our space truss products have been installed and put into use for many projects with different architectures and techniques to meet all customer needs.

Some typical types of space frames are used in factories today:

  • Space truss for assembly line
  • Space truss for inspection area
  • Space truss supply area (Supply)

What are the outstanding features of the space truss system designed, manufactured, and installed by CNC-VINA?

Application of 3D PTC Creo software to design space frames structures

In recent years, CNC-VINA has pioneered the application of CAE software and assisted in designing, calculating, and finding solutions for engineering and structural problems, especially projects related to truss systems. steel space.


Design the space frame with PTC-Creo software

The PTC Creo software we use makes calculations and specifications intuitive. The Creo Element PTC 3D module is included in the design of space trusses in factories of automobile, motorbike, electrical and electronic assembly factories. This module of PTC Creo software helps to calculate and check the safety of structures visually. Control, predict, and accurately indicate possible “conflicts” in the actual assembly process by design, thereby minimizing the risk of failure and unsafety. The application of 3D structural calculation software also helps to increase aesthetics and accurately estimate and optimize the volume of materials during the design and manufacturing process.

Using modern machinery and equipment in manufacturing and installing space truss systems

As a professional contractor, to meet the increasing requirements of customers for quality and progress, we are always equipped with modern technical machines and equipment in manufacturing and installation to ensure quality. product quality at all stages and improve productivity and safety during installation. Besides, the human factor is always focused on by CNC-VINA. Our team of engineers and workers are always trained to improve their qualifications, and regularly conduct safety training to ensure that we bring our customers the best products with the highest perfection.

Quality of works, quality of services are always the requirements that customers aim for, but besides that, the issue of investment costs is also an important factor that decides the choice of the investor and the competitiveness. pictures of the current M&E contractors.

In order to always satisfy customers, in addition to providing products with the best quality, CNC-VINA always offers customers optimal designs, safe and economical installation options, thereby bringing the right investment. appropriate and appropriate for each business.

CNC-VINA is a contractor with a lot of experience in space truss construction with large projects

Over the years, we have designed, fabricated and installed many space truss projects for major clients. Some of our typical projects are below such as: consulting, designing, manufacturing and installing the entire steel space truss system for VinFast customers' E-scooter assembly workshop, which has brought great success. satisfied to the investor with the quality and progress of the project as expected.

Some pictures of the space truss project at VinFast 2018 project:


The space frames for assembly conveyor area with lengths up to 120m along the line


The space frames for testing area (test line) with a length of 42m

In the first quarter of 2019, CNC-VINA provided a steel space truss system for Vinsmart's TV assembly workshop.


The space frames for Vinsmart TV assembly line were designed, manufactured and installed by CNC-VINA

CNC-VINA's partners are long-term FDI customers, and Vietnamese customers with high requirements for quality, progress and safety in each project, such as: VinFast, GM... Over many projects project, we have proven our ability and brought satisfaction to our customers.